Following the massacre of 131 protected trees in Cator Woodland - the friends of Cator and Alexandra has established a sub-group - The Cator Woodland Action Group. We are working to help secure the long-term future of the Cator Woodland.
For more information please see our facebook page Friends of Cator and Alexandra
The Friends of Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground were formed in February 2008 in response to an appeal by Bromley Council for volunteers to form Friends groups to support local parks. We have been assisting in the maintenance of both parks, working in liaison with Bromley Council and idverde, the parks contractor, for more than ten years now and have won awards for doing so.
This Friends group is unusual in that we oversee the well-being of two parks, not one. So we have double the work to do and work to ensure there is equity of support and activities for both parks. Each park has a Friends sub-committee to help undertake this. We hold small community events, which bring us together, and fundraise for the parks so we can all enjoy them.
Our aims are to maintain a pleasing natural green environment for both parks. Our Mission Statement encapsulates this. Over the years we have won People for Parks awards for our efforts.
As local residents and regular park users the committee want to give something back and help keep our parks for the benefit of the community.
We need more people to get involved, you can follow us on social media, assist in our spring & summer volunteer gardening sessions, or by baking cakes and supporting our events held in both parks. Better still why not join our membership, a subcommittee or the committee!
So – what are you waiting for?
Become a memberor donate to our mixed hedgerow project or bench fund.
We hope to see you as a Friend at some of our future events.
Any concerns about the parks maintenance can be reported to Fix my Street