The People for Parks Award, comprising of a certificate and a flag, from Bromley Council, for all that we accomplished as Friends in both parks, was presented to us in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and again in 2013. The new flag is a golden brown colour and can be seen in both parks.
Our work over the 2012/2013 period was judged 'outstanding' by the Council's Parks Department which awarded £200 as part of the People for Parks Award and further £200 to help with general projects.
The Friends were awarded their first Grassroot Grant to the value of £3,973.00 from the Capital Community Foundation.
We achieved this after a lengthy process of consultation in which the whole committee was involved. We thank Amy Rogers and Andy Biggs of Bromley Council for advising us during the process. The upshot was that we were able to purchase two beautiful new seats for each park, as well as two picnic tables for the children's play areas.
The money was also used to purchase two electronic bat detectors for the seasonal Bat Walks in April and June in Cator Park, as well as a much-needed portable P.A. system for the music events in the summer.
Park visitors who have difficulty in walking may enjoy more frequent sit-downs and periods of rest as they make their way around the parks. And those who just like to sit and read their book (with a flask of coffee, perhaps) in the peaceful surroundings of a green space will have more spots where they may choose to do this.
The seats were installed during the Spring season of 2011. We have had many appreciative comments from park users.
Mission statement
To maintain and enhance both Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground as places of recreation, safety and healing
• by consulting and working in partnership with local stakeholders;
• by encouraging environmental sustainability;
• by liaising with the Council in its responsibility regarding the maintenance of both park areas.
Annual General Meeting
Our last annual general meeting was on
Wednesday 15 November 2023 at West Beckenham Bowls Club, Alexandra Rec Ground
All members and interested members of the public are invited but only paid-up members are entitled to vote.
We are always seeking more members to step onto the committee and we need help with a variety of tasks - including admin tasks, volunteering at events or in the park and we want to share the workload across more members to help us be more efficient and keep it being enjoyable.
2023 Minutes here
2022 AGM Chair's address here Treasurer's report here Minutes here
2021 AGM Chair's address here Treasurer's report is here Minutes here
2020 minutes here
2021 minutes here
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Although it has done its best to ensure the validity of all material contained within this web site neither the Friends of Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground nor its committee take responsibility for it.
This includes the listings of support groups, organisations and services. Inclusion within does not imply affiliation or an endorsement by the Friends of Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground.
Limitation of liability
The information provided on this web site is provided for guidance only. No responsibility if accepted for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the site content. The Friends of Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground do not take any responsibility or accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from using this web site or any site that it is linked to.
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External links to other websites from this site are provided to allow visitors ready access to further information that may be of relevance. The inclusion of a link on this website should not be interpreted as endorsement.
The Friends of Cator Park and Alexandra Recreation Ground cannot take responsibility and will not accept liability for the content provided on any sites that its website is linked to. Visitors to linked sites must judge for themselves the accuracy and quality of the information provided, and take responsibility for the appropriateness of acting on such information.